His Eagle Scout Project is now complete and he's a little closer to acheiving Scouting's highest rank. His project was to replace some rotten bollards (posts) at Howard Amon Park near our home in Richland. The old bollards were made of railroad ties and were looking pretty sad. Nate worked with the City of Richland to get this all organized. He scheduled the project for November 20th. The city asked him to solicit donations for the project. He contacted a local PVC pipe company and arranged to have ALL of the pipe donated, we just had to pick it up and cut it.
Denise and Nate developed an assembly line and made pretty quick work of cutting the 6 inch, class 200, 20 foot pipes into 36, 5 foot pipes, ready for installation.
It started off a chilly 41 degrees so we made sure we had donuts and hot chocolate for the workers. The first order of business was to give instructions to the 35 volunteers who kindly showed up at 9 a.m.
The volunteers from the ward, seminary, school and family moved all of the old posts out of the way.
The new poles were marked at the 2 foot point and sunk in the ground. Some holes had to be dug out more, some had to be filled in. Then, the volunteers put bags of cement and some water and mixed it in the hole. Sharp eyes trued up the poles so they weren't tipping different directions.

Then, there was gravel to fill each pole. Dirt and more gravel finished off the pole and voila!
You've got yourself an Eagle Scout Project! The weather was too cool for painting but they'll be capped and painted at a future date.

Hurray! Looks great!!!Good Job Nate.
PS Loved the video too.... Great job Nate
Way 2 Grow, Nate! Soon you'll be flyin' with the Eagles!
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