Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter, He Lives.

As we enjoy the sporadic spring days, one day brings more joy than others as we celebrate the fact that our Savior, Jesus Christ is risen! He lives and is our advocate with Our Father In Heaven. We had an enjoyable Easter Sabbath and this short video is an example of the reason we have such great love for our Savior.

We did end up participating in some of the traditional Easter traditions. We colored eggs together on Sunday afternoon, then hid them and searched for them on Monday (good day to get a deal on Easter candy too!) Here's a little video from our Easter Egg hunt:


Unknown said...

Nate - great races! so how did the results come out"?
I love your even stride. All your running practice shows! Love,Grandma

Unknown said...

Wonderful Easter message Paul - thanks = Love,Mom